mathlibmathjsmathlib-nmath librarymathlibmathmathmatameticsmathlibnodejsmathjsmathlib-nmathjsmathmathlibjsmathjsmathnodejsmathlib-nmath librarymathlibjsmathlibjsmathlib-nmathmath librarymath librarymathlibjsmathlib-nmathlib-nmath library
change log
main version (^4.0.0):
4.0.3 (latest stable version):
Average call time of a function : 1.7808851 ms
- some bug fixed
- some faturess a
Average call time of a function : 1.7808851 ms
- some new features added to the 136 features of mathlib like:
- limit
- difrn (differentiation)
- asIntRatio (as integer ratio) etc.
- setmode, getmode to change and get currunt mode of calculation
- some bug fixed
- changed the way of script loading
main version (^3.0.0):
Average call time of a function : 17.447ms
- some new features added like:
- GCD (Greatest common divisor)
- LCM (Least common multiple)
- Intersection
- Union etc.
- handel your records manually
- some bug fixed
- error handeling is more perfect than before
Average call time of a function : 20.317ms
- mode italized in numaric result
- It will store all data with mode info, Time and Date.
- added fractonal answer mode
- bug fixed
- added new record management system:
- calculation data will be saved in the record folder
- will put 30 days old record on trush
- and delete more than 60 days old record forever
main version (^2.0.0) :
2.24.49 :
- refined constant values
- added more constants
- fixed and extended core functions : tanx(), sinx() etc.
- added more features to 110+ features of mathlib
- added Licence field
2.0.27 :
- added constants
- added many more features to 100+ features
- added extended core function :
main version (^1.0.0) :
1.4.1 :
1.4.0 :
- some more features was added to 80+ features
1.0.2 :
1.0.0 :
- initial version with 70+ features