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Mathlib-n wiki


Mathlib-n is an open source math library for nodejs. It is a collection of functions and constants that are usually used in math. It is a free and open source project. It can solve about all math problems used in daily life.


npm or yarn

You can install mathlib-n using npm or yarn. To install mathlib-n using npm, run the following command:
npm install mathlib-n
To install mathlib-n using yarn, run the following command:
yarn add mathlib-n


You can also install mathlib-n using github. To install mathlib-n using github, run the following command:
git clone


You can also install mathlib-n using API. To install mathlib-n using API, run the following command:
let math = require("")


After installing the library, you can import it into your project using the require() function: const mathlib = require('mathlib-n') then you can use any function or constant of the library by using mathlib.functionName() or mathlib.constantName like: mathlib.add(2, 3) or mathlib.PI

Content table


Mathlib has a lot of functions. Here are all of them:

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Mathlib has a lot of constants. Here are all of them:

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Explore Vector contructor and use cases.

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Explore Matrix functions and use cases to see how the library can be used

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